25/11 - The HOTTEST day in Malaysia. Well, yes as 6 beastly idol held their concert on 25th. Since I am concert-holic, Im not letting this opportunity just go away. Honestly, Im not a HOTTEST but I have a feeling that this concert will be a blast. XD. Concert go-go!!~~
D-DAY : We arrived a lil bit late and when we arrived at the concert venue..a lot of HOTTEST already start queue-ing in front of the door. It almost like u were in the boxing ring during few minutes before the door was opened. Everyone was too excited n some started pushing / shouting bla bla. Yo, calm down ur tits k. This was first time I experienced this kind of "WWE" situation. Man beside me was so loud. Keep on shouting, keep on pushing everyone using his "superduper-spartakook-" arms. FCUK, sakit la!Sabar la skit.I was too anxious waiting for the door to be open so that I can escape from the chaos. -Omitting unnecessary part-
The concert star around 9PM - late one hour from the schedule but its ok.I mean, HOTTEST can wait for sure.. they've been waiting for a year(sss) for the PM-boys to come so why not waiting for 1hour more? Aaaa before the concert start, we saw KHUN's family (well, my ex-in law *dalam mimpi*) on VVIP zone in front of my zone. I recognize Cherrin, Nichan n Omonim. They were nice, polite n keep on smiling n giv some pose when people shouting their names. Khun's mom - I love her. She even took our pics. How cute was that? All of them were good looking (damn they were possesed wit a good germ in blood - sooo damn good looking!)

Khun's brotha

omo omonim, y so cute?
The curtain finaly touched down, and everyone was shouted to the max. LOL,me - no exceptional. This is what a concert means, shouted/fangirling/take tons of perv pics(it wil b good if u record it) /sing-along and dun forget to shake off ur lightstick like there is no tmr. They sang 25songs n sorry I dun remember the songlist but Im very glad that most of the song was my fav song from their album. My fav was Back2u,I love this song n Im sooo suprised to see the performance. Beyond my expectation. OMA too much too handle. My mind completely blank during the entire performance. I didnt even took any pics or vids during the perf, I was to focused on the boys. maaaa.....here abs, there abs..here skin, there skin..here touchy, there touchy.and the choreo..mak aih..it enuf to make me drooling non-stop (eee jijik nya ayat aku ni. haha). i kept on staring Wooyoung, "ang ang" baby..no u r not baby anymore, u r damn fine-howwwtt man rite now. For those who havent saw the perf, go quickly on youtube...search those fancam. believe me, its pretty worth to watch. XD

yeah, put ur hands up baby
Jun.k was good in live. It was my first time listening to his solo tracks - ALIVE- . I thought the song wil probably like a ballad song since he was so good in ballad, but it turned out to b a fast beat song. It actually come out very good, oh man he can rap. Jun.k really know how to rock the stage. And he did it with a style. "Alive" was on my current playlist that I always listen too. Good Job JUNSU..well done! Junho, yay. He reminds me of Rain Bi. they passed to be a sibling. But of course both of them have different charm. Junho can speak Malay very well. His pronunciation sounds like a local people. And as for KHUN.TAEC,CHAN - this trio undeniable good looking.As for Wooyoung, he lost his baby fat cheek. But stil look cute. AngAng!~~


Wooyoung. [jeles tgk milywhiteskin,puti nya ko]
During the encore, my fav part in every concert. Why? Bcoz this is the time where the main performer got to interact closely with the crowd. I touched Wooyoung's hand, n got to see live Taec && Woo ssanti dance. wuwauwaaaa..Junsu throw a towel which is accidentally/coincidentally landed on my head. YAY, i got the towel directly from JUN.K but NAY, everyone pulled my hair and smack down my head just to get the towel. Berebut sgt smpai kepala org pun korg sepak.

Junho almighty pose



I touched his hand k. *xcuci tgn slama 3hari*

Taec's ssanti dance

Tuala yg menjadi rebutan ramai
Sebagai penutup sari berita utama, this concert was undeniable fun as if you were in the party mode. Puas cuci mata tgk sesi pameran abs. Sekian, kamsahamnida ^__^

tgn itu..oo tgn itu!
By FaA Jae