Saturday, 30 April 2011
This were taken last year during my final semester at Sarawak. I just suddenly though about "hiking thingy". Maybe because I will move on to the new condo which is located feels like i'm on hiking. Trust me, Im sucks at hiking!
Posted by Faa at 09:23 0 comments
hahaha...Sorry leadersshi, Sohee is taken by Heechul. U knew it. I prefer u with Sunye thou...but SunHae also my fav! Andwae!!!
Posted by Faa at 09:15 0 comments
Labels: Pics, Soheechul, Super Junior, Wondergirls
ABC Special Satu Siap!!!
Aaaarrggghhh......aku bru discover benda ajaib lagi menakjubkn ini last week. Rupanya benda sedap ni sda lama berjual d cafe kmi tp aku xprasan pun. Sadis pok! Walaupun aku bkn ICE-HOLIC, tp ais ni sgt sedap. ABC.........!
Posted by Faa at 07:36 0 comments
I've been up to this new horror movie! Just few hours ago Im rewatching it for the 3rd time. Yes, u hear me rite. 3RD time in 2days. Im not into horror movies but this one really good. A must watch movie! The plot, the cast etc. All thumbs up. Why I say this is a good movie?
1) Who want to miss seeing Blair/Leighton acting like a real Physcho. She's was BLAIR WALDOLF afterall
2)Hot chunks Burlesque was there too!
3)Of course the good plot. *Beware of your roomate!!*
4) A bonus : Gossip Girl star + Vampire Diaries Star. Yep, its true. Bonnie and Elena aka Nina Dobrev make a brief cameo! YAY! LONGLIVE NINA!!
5)If you diggin up about fashion+styling. U gotta loves their style here.
but...sometimes good is not really good actly. They do have their flaw. I noticed something. Look clearly at the picture. It was during the scene Rebecca took Sara day out and they took picture together. They take the pict and it showed clearly in the camera screen that they were not standing at the center of the pict. You can see through the camera screen that they were in the corner of the camera but when they look it, DANG..they were already in the center of the pict. ....Indeed! haha.
Posted by Faa at 06:36 0 comments
Belacan is BELACAN. It will never be KIMCHI
This is so FUNNY. IDK where did they get this idea from. We are Malaysian babe. Be proud of it. Why must go wit Kpop concept when we can create one. Why not go for MPOP/Mollywood or create something new..another bombastic words?? Why must KPOP. Urgghh.. they all messed up. I love KPOP but idk wheiter all of this chick and kampung boy a kpop fans or not. If u really wanna create something related to Kpop style or something like boyband or girlgroup with a "lollipop thingy"..fine, just go ahead but dont try so hard to make it like a POSER. Its totally fake and you guys just make me like I wanna hit your face by penyapu lidi. Come on la.. why dont try something like Stacy or Agnes Monica.. They both have a Kpop vibe. I means, they dance, singing and even their clothes also sometimes not typical dress Dato Siti will always wear. Adui, this is so embrassed. I hope they wont be cover at Allkpop and getting curse by Kpop fans there. For sure, they will make Malaysia look so desperate to be a KPOP star in other country. (U guys looks so pathetic coz JYP,SME,YG,DSP,CUBE wont take u under their company because u just bunch of SHIT)
Lets take a look

Posted by Faa at 04:14 4 comments
Labels: Personal
Friday, 22 April 2011
Monday, 18 April 2011
[110408] Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 Part 3
Part 2 -- clickme
Part 1 -- clickme
Right after our local bands, Wondergirls time!! YEYEYEYEEYYE!! They sang 2 Different Tears and So Hot before went for introduction. They speak English, and it was not bad. Its quite good actually. Esp Ye Eun, she sounded like native speaker. And So Hee. I love her English! She's cute when speaking English. She seems strugling to speak fluently but its cute. She even mentioned about "We will meet you guys here in KL again". IDK but I suddenly remembers Heechul's line during SS3 Malaysia "See you guys again in SuperShow3 Malaysia"...*Imaginasi ku lalalalala~~*
Like usual, they try to speak a lil Malay like Terima Kasih, Apa Kabar. Its good to hear Kpop artist speak Malay. Hahaha. They also performed Saying I Love You, This Time. They were sing in harmony, and I love Saying I Love You so much. I love that song. Yoobin and Ye Eun come to our zone area during This Time and Saying I Love You. Seeing Yoobin closer with her make up...phewww...SHE"S HOT!! No wonder people keep saying she's hot. She's got the sexy aura. And she's doesnt have a very dark skin though. Light tan? IDK, but she gorgeous. Thats a fact! And Sunye, she's stunning! But i dun like her hairstyle though. Its kinda distracting. But she's still pretty. Angelic voice Ye Eun. There is no need to say about her voice. She got a powerful voice. And she's friendly. She came to our zone very often. Ye Eun Unnie, U love our zone so much huh? haha. We love you to Ye Park. Hyerim, she's cute and she looks like very nice kid. I would love to see her perform Lip Gloss. I wanna see badaas side of her. SoHee SoHee...the one that I anticipating to see. She cute, pretty and her face was so small! Her chubby cheek so cute! Her OMONA was so cute. I heard that she was sick, but she looks very pro on stage. She keep on smiling but she didnt go to our zone very often. T___T . My favourite performance was Irony. They look very charismatic during the performance. They also performed Tell Me, Ee Babo and the last song is Nobody. Yeah..I want Nobody Nobody But WG!! Hope that they will come back here again. I met new chingu during this event, Sean. He's a WG fans and SJ fans. Wookie biased! haha..Nice to meet you Sean!
Before the Hoobastank got to perform, the DJ's comeout, asking for everyone to sing, dancing and bla bla bla..seriously dude, we were freaking tired. Just give us the hoobastank. Everyone was so high and i though i was in the club at that time. But slowly, the energy comes down...Everyone has the same dead expression. The Hoobastank come out as the last performer. But we didnt get to see all of their performance since we have to catch the tren. Thanks God, the tren still open until 1am. It almost past midnight and we were rushing. Such a long and tiring day. But we have hella fun! We love you WG!! and the Azenders too! haha.
Posted by Faa at 00:56 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, The Azenders, Twin Tower Live 2011, Wondergirls
[110408] Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 - Take a glimpse of Sam Bunkface/The Azenders
Posted by Faa at 00:52 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, The Azenders, Twin Tower Live 2011, Vids
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Single or Taken?
Mana lg best? Jadi Single or Loverbirds? Actually, dua2 pun best, depends dgn diri sendiri, Mcmna kta handle. Klu kita handle like a pro, then OKla. Tp klu kta EMO2 psl benda mcm ni, so hancusla!
Dlm entry ni, Ill talk about my experience being as SINGLE LADIES. My last couple pun, time form 5. Almost 5years and half jadi SINGLE-IAN? Kira lama la sda single ni. Kekeke. Mula2 tu, mmg rasa mcm sunyi la jgak jadi single ni. Yalah, xda org bagi bunga time Valentine, weekend selalu lepak di rumah, xda org msg "gudnite sweetheart" before tidur. *SIGH*. Tengok member2 dating, uuuuuuueeee....jelesnya!!! Mau jugak dating2 ni! huaaaaa!
Tapi kan, sejak beberapa tahun ni, aku enjoy jadi single. Xtaula kenapa.. Maybe psl jadi single ni, aku lebih byk judge org yang couple disekeliling aku. Mcm2 problem aku dengar, tengok dgn org sekeliling aku. Plus, I can say..jadi single makes me more matured. Aku mula nampak, couple2 ni x lah seindah yang aku selalu imagine kan. Ada certain2 part tu, best la. Tp benda ni sometimes merimaskan.
Mcm2 kisah aku dengar/saksikan. Ada yang bf suka kikis duit gf. yg xpatut! Belum kahwin sda mau kikis duit perempuan. Shame of you la! Klu aku dpt bf mcm ni, RUN FOR YOUR LIVE la jadinya! Sda la muka xla ensom mana pun, tp pisau cukur tahap dewa! Ada yang curang, alasannya "kita duduk jauh, so sunyi..". Boleh diterima pakai akal ka alasan tu??? Ish..Ish..xpatut! Kesian la dekat partner yang setia walaupun jauh. Kalau sunyi, aku lagi sunyi weeeiiii !! Kau tu bkn SUNYI tp xtahan being ALONE. Desperate kasih sayang!!! Lagi satu, pengongkong. Aku paling benci dgn org QUEEN/KING control. Tolong la skit, blum official suami isteri lagi sda mengongkong. Itu xbole, ini xbole. Kalau kluar pun mesti berkepit 24/7. Xbosan kah? Pantang kalu tgk partner communicate dgn someone yg opposite sex dgn partner dia. Kau ingat partner ko tu lawa/hensom sgt ka smpai suma org yg bckp dgn dia tu pun gila2kn partner ko. Be a proffesional la skit. Maybe ada benda penting he/she want to talk to your gf/bf. Lepas tu, kalau sda kemaruk sgt..jgn lah smpai kwn rapat/famili/cikgu/etc pun ko sda xkenal. Dulu time ko kecik2 ko berak, sepa basuh? Mak ko jugak yg basuh. Ko lunch dekat sekolah, sepa temankn? Geng2 ko jgak yg temankn. Ko susah dorg jugak yg bantu ko. Ko happy2 skrg, ada ko pernah fikir psl dorg? Errr..maybe sikit jak. Tp ko tau x, apa problem dorg skrg? Mesti xkan? kan? kan? Am I rite? Kalau kapel2 ni, berpadah sikit. Kapel kau tu blum kompem pun nanti jodoh kau. Esk lusa ko putus, jgn time tu baru cari kwn/family. Dun blamed them if they turn their back to you!!! : ) They loved you first before ur gf/bf fall in love with you, so never abandon them! Then, ada yg begaduh psl berebut gf/bf la. Lawak btul lah. Ada yang tkar personaliti lepas berkapel, jd penakut lah..aiee..tolong lah..takut hantu la, HANTU LAGI TAKUT TGK MUKA KO!! Before ni pandai kupas kacang, lepas kapel xpndai kupas kacang. Manja la tu..EMMM...MENYAMPAH adala! Mcm2 lg lah, kalau suma aku cakap, kompem kalah karangan MUET aku. Hahaha.. (sepa2 yg makan cili tu, terasa lah pedas...tepuk dada....tanya sendri, sakit x?? haha)
So, aku rasa jadi single ni xlah teruk mana pun. Ada yg malu mengaku single. Why? Kalau single xHOT ka? Xpopular ka? Itu maksud nya, jual mahal lah. Xburuk pun klu jadi single ni. You should proud to a SINGLE-ian. Know why? Because you are strong enough to stand alone without someone to lead you. Kalau kapel pun, juz be yourself. Jgn sesekali berubah sebab si dia. Melainkan berubah ke arah kebaikan lah. Kalu just berubah tuk dptkn perhatian, she/he just love your other side, not the real you babe. Mungkin, nilah sebab aku masi maintain single. Aku jadi terlalu choosy. Choosy lover. Aku takut lepas tgk pngalaman org. Mmg tgk dr presepsi positif, best la kapel2 ni tp..entahlah. Aku just harap, bila aku jumpa mr right..He will be my last bf and be my man. Biar jumpa trus kahwin. Jodoh xkemana. Jgn jd perigi cari timba. Enuf of aku merepak dcni.
Toast for the SINGLE -ian! *Imma single..imma single ladies. Now put your hands up*
Posted by Faa at 22:46 0 comments
Labels: Friendship, Love, Personal, Relationship
Psycho Fans !!!!!
This is crazy! Its good to have a fans but who know it might turn out to be like this. Psycho Fans!! This is compilation of various fancam of Taeyeon (SNSD) being dragged away from the stage by the PSYCHIC fan. Kudos for Sunny for having a fast reaction and being Taeyeon "Superwoman". But seriously, WTFFF is the security doing?
PS--> Im not a SONE and not even closed being their fans but this is seriously SCARY. Poor Taeyeon :(
Posted by Faa at 19:58 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, SNSD
Saturday, 16 April 2011
[110408] Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 Part 2
Journey of WONDERFUL continued..(clickehere for the Part 1)
Around 5pm, we walked aways to the front gate for the concert. And a lot of people already start queing, we were late. So, mcm besa...we que at the back. Till it was raining. Everyonr in the queue was running out from their line to find a shelter/umbrella/etc. And lucky, we bought plastic raincoat earlier as preparation incase it will be raining at the evening. Haha. We wear our raincoat quickly and no one standing at the front since everyone was busy saving themself from getting wet. HAHAHA. Zaappp! We managed to sneak to the front. I was in happy mode since I was excited to see Wonderegirls performing, but the are some kids (I think they were highschoolar) was laughing and make fun of us! JAKUN TU NAMANYA DIK! It must be their first time went to concert cause a raincoat is the mustHAVEitem if you wish to attend for a concert. Poor kids, they were wet yet still laughing at us! Even the foreigner were giving us 2thumbs up for bringing the raincoat. Foreigner buat muka relak jak, budak2 lepak yang kurang pengalaman p concert ni yang terlebih JAKUN. Kesian kesian. Xlawak pun sebenarnya. 6pm--> they gate were opened. But the security will check our belonging since no DSLR allowed to bring. They didnt check mine. So PASS! Aaa...before that, they do give us some goodies for the concert (fan, balloon, badge etc) Thx! Sudala free, got a goodies lg ^^
After we enter the concert venue, we ran to the area closer to the stage. And, we finally found a good spot near the stage/screen (actly, fanzone has better view..huhu) ! For alomost 2 hours, it was only the DJ's playing some song, asking us to scream, distributing moreee merchandise (Tshirt etc), blah blah blah. Then the concert was started around 8+pm (I couldnt remember).Two MC's (Aisyah Sinclair and Will Quah) came out and started to gear up our energy. Yuna was the first singer to perform. She performed some of her hits. IDK her songs, but i do know Dan Sebenarnya. It was good to hear her live. She's good but she looks skinny. Eat more girl.Next is The Azenders. Okay, Im going to talked a lot about this. At first, I didnt know ANYTHING about em. I thought the were American Indie Band. ( Sorry, Im sucks about any band other than Kpop/Jpop). But they were our local band. Malaysian band. Rupanya.. I was like "Aaaaa..Band local rupanya. Ok lets hear it out first" . Living rock and roll was their first song. I dindt pay attention to them at that time since I was busy checking my camera. And my only reason to attend this concert is because of Wondergirls. When they started singing Ladies and Gentlemen...I was to the them?? IDK. It feels like magnetic reaction. Haha. I started to look out for their performance. And I was jawdrapping seeing the vokalis. He was such a HOTTIE with the messy hair. And the band was perfectly in sync. Ladies and Gentlemen, I was fallen for this band right at that time. Standing there like a tunggul kayu, with my mouth almost touching to the ground.. I was fascinated with the band. "Coolnya diorg ni...". Then, they started singing Peribadi. Peribadi also one of their good song but ailoike Ladies and Gentlemen more.,,,Even my blog background music is Ladies and Gentlemen! Peribadi is their last song until they were gone to the backstage. Aisyah and Will came out again and started calling for the Bunkface. I was heard about Bunkface but I knew nothing about them (what a pathetic person i am?? .out date dgn local band! haishh). The funny thing is, when the vokalis of Bunkface aka Sam came out. First thing come out from my mind is.."he looks like the vokalis of The Azenders, they must relatives or something". Siap ckp lg dgn member "Farah, they lookalike but I think The Azenders more cuter la"..hahaha Silly FaA'!!!! They are the same person LOL. Sam is the vokalis of Bunkface and also The Azenders. Keke. The climax was when both The Azenders and Bunkface performed together and covering Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. I never though Teenage Dream can be sing perfectly by a guy. But they did it. They really have a stage presence and I have to give Sam some credit because this guy know how to rock the stage and make the audience getting hyper and feeling like they are in their "Teenage Dream" . :) *I am the soldier of the Azenders rite now*
*to be continue with Part 3 covering Wondergirls performance
Posted by Faa at 08:16 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, The Azenders, Twin Tower Live 2011, Wondergirls
B2UTY, Lets Go To Korea For BEAST !!
BEAST lover out there, this is going to be a beautiful moment for you as a " B2UTY". Grab the chance, meet the BEAST, go to KOREA, tour in CUBE Ent! Double Double Combo!! Say thanks to DIGI!!
Check this out for more info : Click Me
BUT DEENNGGG!!! I MISSED THE DUE DATE! IM LATEEE>>>terlepas peluang!! haishhh!
Posted by Faa at 06:06 0 comments
2 AM Is Coming To Malaysia This May
Another Hallayu Idol Group will come to Malaysia..AGAIN?
2AM is set to have their showcase in KL on 21st May. YAYY! Digi will opening their own counter booth at One Utama this Sunday (17/4) only for Digi Youths fans to pre-book their passes to 2Am's showcase.
Pre-book your passes
Reload RM50 & activate DiGi Music Pluz (for RM 5) to get 1 showcase pass on Sunday (17/4)
Autograph session*,
reload another RM 30 to get 1 x pass
Stage games*
reload another RM 50 to get 1x pass.
Don’t have a DiGi line? No worries.. just activate a DiGi line and come on over to perform your reload this Sunday to get your passes!
You can find DiGi booth in front of AIX, 1 Utama New Wing from 10.30am to 7pm, same spot as the DiGi Live Sekolahku Berbakat location.
More info ? Visit their official homepage :
PS ---> Yay or Nayy? Im going to cry out loud since I might be not attending since I'll be in Sarawak at that time for my convocation~~~ T.T
Posted by Faa at 05:47 0 comments
Labels: 2AM, Digi Youth
Friday, 15 April 2011
Kuching, I'll Be Back
Finally, I will be back to Kuching again on May for my convocation. OO YEAAHH I am graduated student!!!!!!! Alhamdulilah.
Before balik to Kuching, I already tulis - TO DO LIST- and mostly pasal MAKANAN. Hahaha. Food is my belly feast yooo~~~ First, I have to eat this.. A MUST THING TO DO! Makan ini benda~~~
Korean food...
Add on ---> Sushi (tamago and unagi)
Then I should eat some dessert lepas makan unagi and tamago sushi. Iglool...AILOIKE!!
Lepas makan, mmm..Naraobang? Karaoke? Hahaha..Karaoke GO-GO !
Last but not least, dun forget to take a lot of selca ^^
Posted by Faa at 05:24 2 comments
Labels: Personal
EC220 - 4Q
But not all of them since this were taken during our laboratory class and we were divided into 2 group for the lab. This is our group for EC 220 4Q 1 .
Posted by Faa at 02:00 2 comments
Labels: Civil Engineering, Personal
Thursday, 14 April 2011
[110408] Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 Vids
Wondergirls went to the cars
Posted by Faa at 23:18 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, Soheechul, Twin Tower Live 2011, Vids, Wondergirls
[110408] Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 Part 1
It was free, the lineup artist was DAEBAK. Once in lifetime experienced!
On Monday(if Im not mistaken), I saw the tweets about Wondergirls is coming to Malaysia. I was " WHAT??? AM I MISSING SOMETHING??" Then I started google-ing more information about it. Is it TRUE?WHEN?WHY? Till I found Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 official facebook page. The girls will performed at Twin Tower @LIVE 2011 at KLCC on 8th April. Are u serious? This Friday???? OMMMGGGGDDD! I have class on Friday, plus no one seems interested to go to the concert since our class will have a 2 test for killer subject on Monday. I really want to go so badly. ITS FREE BABE!!! We will never get this opportunity again next time. I almost gave up to go to the concert on Friday morning and I am totally pissed off because of it! Mengamuk bila keinginan tidak tercapai!! HAHA..Childish. But I keep it cool. Pretending Im okay while Im not. My heart was screaming like CRAZY “SOHEE SOHEE SOHEE SOHEE SOHEE FREE FREE FREE FREE” ! During my lunchtime, one of my close fren asking about the concert, and “blah blah blah blah” . Suddenly she seems interested to go. I almost give up to go and she just bring me a new hope as Wonderful. You my sunshine FARAH!! Then.....we rush on to the station bus and wait for the busses. At the bustop, we bump with Della. Della was shocked to see us and when we told her we will go to KLCC, she said...”aku nak juga ikut kmu”. Haha. Then, she joined us along with Lineker. Four of us...went to KLCC and we arrived around 3pm.When we arrived, we went to the concert venue ASAP. And when we almost there, we heard 2 Different Tears song was playing, I thought probably the organizer just playing the song since Wondergirls will performed tonight. Then I heard Yoobin’s voice talking in Korean. HELL NOO! They are practicing now! *RUN FAA RUN TO THE BACKSTAGE* . Yup, there were rehearsing for the concert. I can recognized Ye Eun first because of her blonde hair. Then I saw , Sunye wearing a black blouses. I try to find Mandu. And yeeepp..she was standing at the corner of the stage! Mandu was spotted tying her hair, wearing a shorts and white shirt. But I can’t see clearly their faces since I was looking from the backstage view. Recording were not allowed *that was the guards told us*. I saw a lot of Wonderful there wearing their “I Love WG” shirt. Envy them! I wasn’t prepared to attend this concert. No shirt, no lighstick, handbanner/board etc. It was really hot back then. But i tried to endure it since the Wondergirls will come out to the backstage in any time. Better standby at the backstage...with camera on! Haha. Few minutes later, they finally off from the stage to the tent near the stage. They were standing right in front of me. They were closer to me then I was with Super Junior during SS3. camera...Ive recorded it. But I missed to record Yoobin since she was coming first and I was busy calling for Sohee. But Yoobin is damn gorgeous. She has the sexy aura. She smiled to us and waved too. Then Sohee was behind Binnie. SOHEEEE! Her skin was soo fair.. I mean, she is soo PUTIH MACAM KAPAS! She has a perfect body like a Barbie doll. I am a girl and I envy herr sooo much *FAA IDEAL BODY. DIET FAA DIET*Sohee have very small face but her cheek very MANDU-ish. Haha..Her cheek was chubby but still cute. She was very cute cute cute and beautiful (now, I know why MY HEECHUL was crazy about her, I’ll do the same if I were a guy too). She was smiling too and next to her is Hyerim. She is cute. Then Sunye and followed by Ye Eun. Both of them were smiling and waving. Ye Eun has angelic smile. She seems friendly and I love that.
Few minutes later, the guards asked us to “undur belakang..undur belakang dik”. All of the fans were moving to the back. 3-4 cars come at stop right infront us. The Wondergirls will come out and went inside the cars. ASSA, will meet Wondergirls close up again! Dang, they came out from the tent. And it was Yoobin comeout first, followed by Hyerim. Then Sohee and Ye Eun. Sohee and Ye Eun went to the car that parked right infront of where im standing. Ye Eun was looking through her phone inside the car. Sohee was sat next to the window and she was looking at us. Suddenly Sunye came out from the tent. She was came out late and went to the wrong gate. The guard told her to use the other gate. Sunye still smiling but she looks very tired. Before the cars was gone, Sohee and Ye Eun was waving inside the car. They waving towards our direction since we were standing right next to them but my camera can’t record it because of the reflection of TwinTower at their tinted window! *sigh*
We went for a lunch after that since the gate will be open at 6pm. *To be continue*
Posted by Faa at 23:11 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, Soheechul, Twin Tower Live 2011, Wondergirls
[110319] Super Show Malaysia 3 – Pics Compilation Part 2
Posted by Faa at 08:04 0 comments
Labels: Concert/Event, Pics, Super Junior, Super Show 3